Friday, October 24, 2008

Garbage Disposal A.K.A. Payton

I realize that I just posted yesterday but I have to share this. This little guy eats like nothing I have ever seen! I really think people don' t believe me when I tell them. He is so active that he burns every calorie he consumes. He is actually on the small side for his age but he eats more than I do some days. I looked on a baby web site at a sample daily menu for a baby his age and Payton has already eaten more than that before his first nap. Last week at Chuck E Cheese he ate 3 slices from a large pizza then asked for a snack as soon as we got home.

Here is a list of what he ate yesterday.

1 1/2 cereal bars,
a banana,
5 animal crackers,
box of raisins,
chicken patty sandwich,
slice of cheese,
a few chips,
slice of multi grain bread,

another banana,
4 large strawberries,
a handful of Goldfish crackers,
Matza with cream cheese,
4 more strawberries &
a few more animal crackers!

These pictures were taken during his feeding frenzy. At one point he had to stretch out on the
couch- to make more room I guess.


teamwilhite said...

Holy Buckets!!! That is a ton of food! I don't eat that much in three whole days!

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! Jamie use to eat like that when we were kids, and never gain a pound!! Guess Payton gonna be like his daddy.