Sunday, December 20, 2009

8 crazy nights/Happy Hanukkah

 Hanukkah was so fun with Payton this year. He was actually old enough to participate and understand what was going on...for the most part. On the first night Payton had been to a birthday party for his little friend Owen. They had been talking about Hanukkah at the party as well. When we got home we lit the first candle and Payton tried to blow it out and said "Happy Birthday!" When we gave him his present he said "It's my Birthday!" We tried to explain it to him then he said "Oh, It's my Hanukkah!" Close enough. Each night he would say "I want my Hanukkah now". As you'll see in the pictures he really enjoyed himself and had fun learning the prayer as we lit the candles each night.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Payton is ready for Rabbinical school; how 'bout the Yeshiva school instead of montessori school? This is a classic! "Good job dad" LOL!!!!! Jenn